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BzzAgent Review: Crest Pro-Health Campaign

I received my first Bzz Campaign from BzzAgent a little bit ago, and I'm excited to share my review with you.

The campaign I got is the Crest Pro-Health campaign 
 I got my campaign on a discount (basically free)

What was in the box?

  • NEW Crest® Pro-Health® PROFRESH Toothpaste
  • Oral-B CrossAction® Pro-Health® Toothbrush
  • Crest® Pro-Health™ Multi-Protection Rinse i

Initial feelings: I've been a crest fan for years, so I was more than happy to be able to review a product with a name I know & trust.


  • Tooth paste (5 stars): I can say that the toothpaste left my mouth feeling and tasting cleaner & refreshed even after 1 use (and eating shrimp!) without having an incredibly over-tasting mint taste, which was nice.

  • Tooth Brush (5 stars) The toothbrush was very soft, like brushing your teeth with a cloud. I wasn't sure at first that a toothbrush that soft could do a good job. I am also used to an electric toothbrush, but I used it for a week. Despite feeling like it's not doing much of anything, the toothbrush did a great job. The rubber bristles hugged the outside of my teeth while the fiber bristles went to town on my the tops/sides of my teeth, for a combination clean that is unheard of. I may just be switching from my faithful electric brand soon!

  • Mouth Rinse (5 stars) As far as mouth rinses go, I really liked this one.
    Much like the toothpaste, it has a refreshing flavour that doesn't leave an over-all burning or over powering flavour in my mouth.

Bottom line:  Would I recommend these products to other people?

For sure! I liked these products enough that I'm changing my family over to them with our next shop, so of course I will be (and have been) recommending the products to friends and family.

(Please note: I receive no compensation for my reviews)

Have you tried any of these products? 
Do you have something to add/say? 
Feel free to comment below with your own opinion!

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