Ten years ago. Has it really been that long? I remember it like it was yesterday.If you asked me if I remembered what I did last Tuesday I couldn't tell you... but if you asked me if I remembered what I was doing 10 years ago on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, I could tell you exactly what I was doing.
I was in the bath, almost due with Christian. My grandmother was yelling down the hall "they hit the towers" I got out to find her white as a ghost, with the news on, and she said "i can't live through another world war" as the second plane hit.
Remember the oneness which occurred immediately following the attacks that day? Remember how it didn't matter what "party" you belonged to? Remember THAT? Remember you made eye contact with people everywhere you went because we all had something in common? Let us not forget THAT. (quote &
via Job Description mommy)
“Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It’s a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It’s also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend–even a friend whose name it never knew. “
- President George W. Bush, December 11, 2001
For the husband who told his wife he loved her before his plane went down in a field. For the wife who stopped in the stairs to call her husband to say she will love him forever. For the mothers and fathers who kissed their kids goodbye that morning for the last time. For the policemen, firemen, and other rescue workers who rushed in to help others and lost their lives. For the soldiers who fought back and made the ultimate sacrifice. a decade ago we lost over 3000 lives in new york city. and they will never be forgotten.
Today, tomorrow, ten years from now,
we will remember.
may they rip. much love to their families. ♥
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