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‘Intactivist’; anti circumcision activists want to outlaw circumcision - Health - The Imperfect Blog

‘Intactivist’; anti circumcision activists want to outlaw circumcision - Health - The Imperfect Blog: "

There are bigger things to worry about? Baby boys are having parts of their body hacked off for no reason at all. baby boys are bleeding to death. Baby boys are being horribly maimed.Baby boys are having their own rights to make choices about their own bodies. If their very basic human right to choose what does or doesn’t happen to their own bodies isn’t worth worrying about, I don’t know what is. It’s not their penis intactivists are “obsessing” about, it’s their own right to choose.

Yes, i am an intactivist, and i do think it's mutilation. I am also pro choice. Most argue that you can't be both, because you should be arguing for the babies lives as much as you do for their genital integrity, but really it's about choice.
The choice to decide what happens within your body.
The choice to decide what gets cut off your body.
Does it really surprise you that someone who is pro choice when it comes to abortion, is also pro-choice when it comes to circumcision? Leave the choice up to the person who's body it is, and stop hacking off baby boys body parts.

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Woman, Uncensored: Neglect-o-Matic

Need to know when it's time to check on and settle your baby?
Well don't worry, there's an app for that!


  • Checklist (Nappies, wind etc) that must be completed before the app can start.
  • Alarm* that sounds when a wait period has completed and it's time to settle the baby.
  • Automatic doubling of the wait period after each settle.
  • Ability to select any of the the preset wait periods after each settle.
  • History kept of the time taken to get baby to sleep.
  • Customize app with baby's name and sex.

Disgusted yet?

Me too. I can't imagine leaving my baby to cry until some stupid app told me it was time to check on him/her.
I couldn't imagine leaving my infant to cry period.

And i'm not the only one:

Woman, Uncensored: Neglect-o-Matic:

"Apparently CIO isn't ridiculous enough, now cheap technology can tell you whether it's time to parent your child or not. 'No sweetie, ignore the sounds of Susie vomiting from distress... my phone hasn't beeped at me yet' Maybe they'll add features that let us know when we're allowed to feed our kids as well. Little alarms can go off if we've given them too many hugs and kisses or *god forbid* held them too long! Brilliant. Evidently we're not smart enough to actually pay attention to our offspring and our instincts, eh? Save yourself a few bucks and love your kid. If you expected a full night's sleep, you should have gotten a plant."

I couldn't have said it better.

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"We live in a country where people feel increasingly empowered to make decisions for pregnant woman."

(I originally saw this link posted on Cafe Mom's "the stir"  Image is also from there)

Water-Drinking Pregnant Woman Asked to Leave Bar 15 Minutes Into her Night Out

Why? not because she was doing anything wrong, or illegal, but because she was pregnant.
She wasn’t even drinking!
The bouncer took it upon himself to tell her to leave. Many people argue he had a right.
Why? because she was pregnant?

Last time i checked being pregnant in a bar wasn’t illegal.  They argue he was worried and trying to protect the bar.
Oh, fine, but wouldn’t it be his job to protect every patron in that bar and not just the pregnant one? Then why did he only ask her to leave?
If she wasn't doing anything wrong, the.y don't have a right to ask her to leave, and there is nothing illegal with a woman being in a bar pregnant.
Hell, she can smoke & drink if she wants to (i'm not agreeing, or saying that's ok!) it isn't illegal, and that means the bouncer doesn't have a right to make her leave simply because she's pregnant.
It would be akin to asking someone to leave just because they're gay, straight, white, black, purple, liberal, democrat, vegan, whatever. Just because the bouncer didn't agree with a pregnant woman being in there, doesn't mean he had a right to make her leave.
It’s discrimination. He discriminated against her just because she happened to be pregnant.

"We live in a country where people feel increasingly empowered to make decisions for pregnant woman."

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Important Things I've Learned From Kids

Randomly stumbling on stumbleupon,i came across this:

(author unknown)

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